Friday, November 21, 2014

Motion: Raising Arizona

Raising Arizona Trailer

Raising Arizona is a film written, directed, and produced by the Coen Brothers. The 1987 comedy stars Nicholas Cage, Holly Hunter, and John Goodman among others. In the film a criminal named Hi and a policewoman named Ed get married and move into a mobile home in the desert. When they discover that Ed is infertile they decide to kidnap one of five quintuplets from a local furniture store owner. The rest of the movie is basically a struggle for the baby between Ed and Hi and Hi's criminal friends. A bounty hunter named Smalls goes after the child with the intention to sell it on the black market. In the "motorcyclist scene", Hi and Smalls fight with Smalls getting close to killing Hi, However, Hi reveals he has pulled the pin from one of the grenades on Smalls' vest and Smalls is blown to pieces.

The movie is full of symbolism, biblical references, unusual camerawork, and quirky dialogue.

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