Tuesday, August 26, 2014

About Me

My name is Leah Marie Suleski and I am a junior Communications major at the University of Tulsa. I am also pursuing a certificate in Creative Writing and minoring in Film Studies. I have loved living primarily in Tulsa for the past two years, but will always appreciate the chances I get to go back to my hometown of Buffalo, New York. A lot of people ask how I ended up so far away from home for college and the answer is simple: rowing. I have competed in the sport since the 9th grade and am now living my dream of being an NCAA Division I athlete. While rowing does take up a ton of my time, I enjoy doing arts and crafts, crocheting, sewing, and baking. My extracurricular activities include playing intramural sports and working as the editor of the TU student journal of art and literature called Stylus. 

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