Sunday, December 7, 2014


No Kid Hungry with Jeff Bridges

This image is from

This 2010 television Public Service announcement was made by the No Kid Hungry organization in conjunction with the Food Network. It aired between shows on the Food Network spreading the word about children who go hungry within the United States.

Actor Jeff Bridges is the spokesperson for the cause, as celebrities are often used to deliver messages because of people's familiarity with them. They are seen as more relatable than the average person.

The PSA features close up images of sad children followed by long shots of the children holding up makeshift signs reading things like "I'm hungry" and "I got my dinner from a gas station". The sad, slow music in the background sets the mood. Other images include Jeff Bridges standing in fields holding up similar signs that provide information about the organization and that encourage people to "take the pledge" to end childhood hunger.

The PSA might have been effective had it been more clear on what taking the pledge meant. Taking a pledge doesn't necessarily entail making a donation, however, donations are exactly what the organization is looking for.

Also, comments on the YouTube video version of this PSA reveal that people think the children in the PSA look too healthy and not hungry at all. They are also well dressed and not particularly moving in their expressions. Many of them look apathetic. It's not as powerful as it could be. I feel that No Kid Hungry relied too much on Jeff Bridges' star power and not enough on the message.

The issue of childhood hunger is still relevant, however, I think a better PSA should be used to communicate that message.